Find trusted professionals in the North East

As part of our holistic approach to improving  mental health, we work with a wide range of professionals. Below is our list of trusted professionals who we recommend for services that we don't offer.

Select Psychology

Psychological Services

We have clinical psychologists, counsellors and CBT therapists offering prompt, accessible and excellent quality evidence-based talking therapy services to adults and children.

Our psychologists are all members of the British Psychological Society. They are also registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC), an independent, UK-wide regulatory body responsible for setting and maintaining standards in care.

North East Child Psychiatry

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

North East Child Psychiatry was established in 2020 by Dr Zoë Gilder in order to provide high-quality, compassionate mental health care focussed on children, young people, and their families and carers. Committed to providing expert assistance and support, we see patients at our clinic base in Monkseaton, as well as providing telephone and video consultations. Based in North Tyneside, NECP accept referrals from across North-East England.

Get in Touch

Schedule an appointment today

Your query will be triaged and dealt with, usually within 48 hours. Depending on your needs, you will be offered a in person or online video consultation with Dr Goel. This will last up to 50 minutes, with the final 10 minutes for discussion about the plan, if needed. You will receive a report within a week of consultation, which can be shared with your GP or other professionals at your discretion.